Short track Otto bridge
SKATE-TEC OTTO – The next generation short track blade
The Otto is the result of many years of development initiated by and named after Otto den Braver. It is the first shorttrack skate featuring a bridge construction. By using a bridge instead of standard cups the design overcomes many of the problems with standard shorttrack skates. The bridge creates a rigid construction between the front and back mounting points preventing unwanted tensions caused by inaccuracies in the boots. It also allows the blade to flex more and use it with less bend. Less bend in turn reduces the friction and increases the gliding capabilities at higher speeds.
The Short track Otto bridge was designed with the idea to challenge the fixed distance of 165mm between the cups. This has been achieved by the use of a bridge connecting the front and the back together with a span of 215mm while keeping the 165mm mounting points on the boot.
Another great benefit of the blade is that with the bridge design the bendingchanges a lot less to almost nothing at the start.
We have used a different method of determinig the height of the bridge (before the cups). Instead of +1 etc, we are now measuring the distance between the back mounting point and the bottom of the lip. For the height, it is advisable to go 1-2mm higher than you normally would, since you will be able to lean more and thus your boot would touch the ice quicker.
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